Clarington Girls Slo-Pitch Association 2024 League Rules
Clarington Girls Slo-Pitch Association (CGSPA) is governed by the rules of NSA Canada, except and/or in addition to the following:
- Only players registered with the CGSPA permitted to play. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- All players must wear the shirts provided by CGSPA (as soon as they are available) for all games and tournaments. Shirts may not be cut or “bedazzled.”
- Every player is required to play a minimum of 50% of regular season games to be guaranteed play during the play-offs (Absence due to medical reason is the only exception).
- Players are NOT permitted to play while pregnant.
- Are all required to provide a current and acceptable criminal background check.
- Anyone who has not provided an acceptable criminal background check will not be allowed in the dug-out or on the field.
- Once the criminal background check has been received, coaches will be provided with a current years’ coach’s shirt. All coaches are required to wear the coach’s shirt provided by the league.
- All coaches are required to wear appropriate footwear in the dug-out or on the playing field. No sandals, open toe or open heels are permitted. Failure to comply may result in forfeit of the game.
- Coaches and players MUST shake hands / fist pump at the end of the game.
- All catchers and pitchers must wear appropriate mask.
- Chest protectors are mandatory in Peewee and optional in Midget and Juvenile.
- All batters and base runners must wear proper-fitting helmets. At the umpire’s discretion, a batter will be called out if the helmet is ill-fitting or removed during live play.
- All bats must have the USSSA 1.20 BPF thumbprint (old or new). Thumb print must be legible.
- A ¾” plywood board will be used as a strike mat. The sides shall be parallel to the inside of the batter’s boxes and shall cover home plate with the front of the strike mat aligned with the front of home plate. The strike mat is considered part of the ground for purposes of determining if a ball is fair or foul.
- No metal cleats allowed.
The Game
- Each Midget and Juvenile team must have seven (7) of their own players to begin a game. You can only call up to a maximum of 10 players. Exception: If a player you are not expecting shows up and you have a call-up at the game to replace them, then both the player and call-up will play. You must advise the umpire and the other team.
- Players from the same division ARE NOT allowed to play for more than one team in their division.
- A list of call-up players will be provided to all coaches at the beginning of the season. ONLY players on this list can be utilized. It is up to the coach(es) to secure call-up players prior to game time. Permanent call-ups are not allowed.
- In the event of a team not having enough players, a 15-minute grave period will be provided. After the 15 minutes has lapsed, if the team is still short players, they will forfeit the game and it will be scored as 7-0.
- Courtesy Runners: If a batter requires a courtesy runner this must be announced prior to their first at bat. They must then take a courtesy runner every at bat. The batter must only go as far as 1st If they proceed to 2nd base on a hit, then no courtesy runner will be provided. The only exception is if a player is injured during the play. A player who is injured during the game can get a courtesy runner for every at bat after their injury. Courtesy runners will be the last out. Make sure your scorekeeper is keeping track of who the last out was as it may not be the previous batter. There is no limit on courtesy runners.
- Safety Base – In the event of a play at first base, the runner must touch ONLY the orange portion of the base. If the runner touches the white portion during a play at first, the runner will be declared out. If the defensive player touches the orange portion of the base while attempting to make the play at first, the runner will be declared safe. This rule only applies when it is clear that there will be a play at first base (does not apply to a walk).
- DO NOT THROW THE BAT. The batter must drop the bat in a safe manner at home plate. If, in the umpire’s discretion, the batter is deemed to have thrown the bat, play will be halted and called dead. The batter will be out and any base runners will return to the base they occupied during the start of the at bat.
- Commitment Line – Marked two-thirds of the way between 3rd base and home. Once the player crosses the commitment line, they must proceed to home and cannot turn back to 3rd
- Home Safe Line – A runner attempting to reach home must do so by touching the ground beyond the safe line prior to the defensive player having control of the ball while in contact with home plate. Runners are not permitted to touch home plate.
- Time Outs – A coach may only call one time-out per inning to approach the mound. As soon as a second time-out is called, the pitcher must be changed. Time-out exceptions are made in the case of an injury or equipment failure (i.e., un-done shoe lace(s), mask strap adjustments, etc.).
- Third Strike Foul – The third strike foul will be called an out in the Juvenile Division ONLY. In all other divisions, a foul or foul tip on the third strike is only an out if caught by the defensive team.
- Infield Fly Rule – Only applies in Midget and Juvenile Divisions. An infield fly is a fair ball – not including a line drive – which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort when 1st and 2nd base, or 1st, 2nd and 3rd bases are occupied with less than two (2) out. The umpire will call infield fly and the batter is out. If not caught the ball is live and runners may advance at their own risk. If the ball is not caught and rolls foul, it is a foul ball.
- Anticipation Step – Anticipation steps will NOT be permitted and this will be an out.
- Peewee – The pitcher must begin the pitch with at least one foot on the pitching rubber, and only one step may be taken while the pitch is being thrown. Pitchers cannot move the pitching rubber.
- Midget and Juvenile – no pitching rubber will be available. Position is in line with 1st and 3rd base – this is the closest that the pitcher can start. The pitcher is allowed to move back up to 10-feet, but must maintain a straight line with home and 2nd Only one step can be taken prior to release of the ball.
- Intentional Walks – Intentional walks are not permitted. Intentional walks are at the discretion of the umpire and the batter will be awarded two bases.
- Coaches are encouraged to have a parent keep score for their team. In doing so, the coach can be more focused on the game and each play. As a last resort, a coach may keep score from the field.
- Players may be added to the batting order up until the end of the third (3rd) inning.
- If a player’s name appears on the batting order and they are not at the game the first time through the order, the coach may choose to leave the name on the batting order and take an out each time the player is passed over, or they may scratch the name prior to that player’s at bat without penalty. The decision must be clearly indicated to the opposing team.
- In Midget and Juvenile a maximum six (6) runs per inning rule will be used in each inning except for the last inning of the game, which will be an open inning. The umpire will determine when the last inning is held.
- In Peewee – the last inning is closed and will be played like every other inning.
- Mercy Rule – If at any time – after five (5) complete innings of play – a team is leading by 15 runs or more, the leading team will be declared the winner at the end of a complete inning. If going into the bottom half of the fifth (5th) or any time after the home team takes the lead by 15 runs or more runs, the game will be declared over and batting will end.
- Complete Game – All games will be seven (7) innings or 90 minutes. A game will be considered complete after five complete innings in Juvenile, and in however many complete innings can be played based on time in the Peewee and Midget divisions.
- In Midget & Juvenile – If the home team has more runs going into the bottom half of the last inning, the home team will not bat. The game will be considered complete.
- If the last inning is not completed due to time limit, the score will revert back to the last complete inning.
- The Home Team must provide the final score to the Umpire prior to leaving the diamond.
- SOME JEWELRY IS ALLOWED. Plain rings, necklaces free of pendants and charms worn under the uniform, MedicAlert ID bracelets and necklaces are legal but should be worn or taped to the body as not to present a hazard. All body piercing (permanent or otherwise) must NOT be looped in anyway. A body piercing that is a “post” type piercing with no dangling parts and no looping parts whatsoever are legal if judged by the umpire not to present a danger to any participant.
- Caster (plaster, metal, or other hard substances) or other items judged dangerous by the umpire may not be worn during the game.
- NOTE: Unexposed or “taped” jewelry is legal as long as it remains unexposed. If any illegal jewelry continues to become exposed, the umpire can ask the player to remove it.
- NOTE II: The NSA & CGSPA strongly recommend that jewelry not be worn in any NSA play.
- NOTE III: First warning for non-compliance with the jewelry rule will be a player warning. For the second offense, during the game, the offending player will be called out.
- NOTE IV: If any injury (at practice and/or during a game) is deemed to be caused by wearing jewelry, CGSPA WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE.
- Smoking is NOT permitted in or around the diamond or player’s bench.
- Smoking is permitted in the parking lot.
- Inclement Weather – In the event of a change in weather during the game, it is up to the umpire to suspend and/or call the game. Safety is the number one priority. Should the game be suspended due to inclement weather, there will be a 15-minute wait time prior to the game being called. Should one team no longer have enough players at the end of the 15 minute wait time, and the umpire deems it safe to continue play, the opposing team shall win the game by default. The score will be registered as 7-0. Games that could have continued – in the umpire’s opinion – but did not because neither team stayed for the 15-minute wait time will NOT be re-scheduled and both teams will register a loss (zero points awarded for the game). If the game is called and the minimum of innings have been completed, the game will be considered complete and not re-scheduled. In the case of inclement weather occurs prior to game time, IT IS UP TO THE LEAGUE TO SUSPEND GAMES – Coaches are not responsible for cancelling games due to inclement weather. The league will notify all coaches – with sufficient time to contact players – should a game be suspended due to weather or field cancellations.
- The Home Team is responsible for setting up the diamond prior to the start of the game.
Pitching & Base Path Distances
- Peewee – 35 Feet (Pitching) / 55 Feet (Base Path)
- Midget – 40 Feet (Pitching) / 60 Feet (Base Path)
- Juvenile – 45 Feet (Pitching) / 65 Feet (Base Path)
- Home Team is responsible for setting up the Diamond before each game.
Contact Information:
President: Tanja Nowotny 905-809-2349
Vice President: VACANT
Administrator: John Graham 647-274-3399
Equipment: Richard Timmers
Umpires: VACANT
Sponsors: VACANT
** All game scheduling requests must be made to Tanja Nowotny at least one week prior to the original scheduled date to be considered for rescheduling.
To book a diamond for practices, please contact Tanja at the above phone # or by email at
24 Hour Rule in effect for any issues before contacting executive.